Firstly: an introduction.

Fade into the night sky. The barely crescent new moon on a ground of Milky Way. Then a sudden, medium washout as the urban orange glow switches on. In a moment, the image starts to shimmer and we zoom out to see ripples on a wide river, with a skyline behind. Panning out, we discover a small watercraft. Five people are pulling out cellphones from their pockets, removing batteries, and putting them in a box.

?Nelt: Hey folks, thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it. It's just a bit harder for them this way.

?j(A)de: Sure. Say, did any of you have anything to with that? The blackout?

Pause. Everyone looks at j(A)de for a moment, looks away.

?j(A)de: Oh, right. Need-to-know basis.

another edit